Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Kid President: Kids Inspiring Kids to Change the World

Every Classroom Matters episode 181

Kid President helps kids change the worldKid President is a cute kid. His short videos pack a powerful message. His brother-in-law Brad Montague helps craft his message. Take a behind the scenes look at the viral sensation sweeping through classrooms today.

Important Takeaways

  • Brad gives a behind the scenes look at how he and Robby Novak started Kid President.
  • Have you heard of #kpawesomegirls?
  • Hear the story behind the new Kid President rap about awesome girls throughout history? (to be released soon)
  • What about the pressure put on Brad and Kid President to just be “entertaining”?
  • Learn about socktober and helping homeless shelters?

This chat with Brad Montague makes me fall in love with Kid President even more. I love the message behind the fun but also love Brad’s passion. Brad wants to leave a library of work to make the world a better place. If so, he and Robby Novak are off to a great start.

Share the Story of an Awesome Girl You Know!

Want to tell Kid President about an awesome girl in your life or school? Here are 3 ways to celebrate the awesome girls in your life:
  1. Tweet Kid President @iamkidpresident on Twitter and hashtag it #kpawesomegirls
  2. Give a shoutout to your #kpawesomegirl on Kid President’s Fanpage on Facebook
  3. Email Brad Montague. 

Kid President Resources and Links


brad montague kid president

brad montague (1)

Kid President helping kids change the world

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You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above. 

The post Kid President: Kids Inspiring Kids to Change the World appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

from Cool Cat Teacher Blog

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