Thursday, November 5, 2015

Moving Students Beyond Making Connections to Making an Impact

Every Classroom Matters episode 185

students making an impacgt

Students making toys for kids in Africa who have none? Kids taking a live virtual tour of the Great Barrier reef with scientists? Designing with a purpose? Australian Teacher Brian Host is all in with his seven and eight-year-old students. Students don’t want to just make connections. Students of all ages want to be making an impact. Here’s how Brian helps his students do things that matter.

Essential Questions: Moving Students Beyond Making Connections to Making an Impact

  • How do you apply problem-based learning to global connections?
  • How are Brian’s students making an impact with a classroom in Africa while using design thinking?
  • How can teachers do 3D design with 7 and 8-year-old students?
  • How did Brian’s students go on an underwater diving experience through Google hangouts?
  • Why was finding the person with the biggest heart more important than technical skills when they looked for a school-wide blogging champion?
Hat tip to my friend Craig Kemp for letting me know about Brian’s awesome work. If you know an awesome educator, tweet me or shoot me an email at vicki at coolcatteacher dot com. Let’s share the awesome stories of educators everywhere!

Educator Resources from this Episode

We've been asking, what are things our students can do to make a real world difference to other students around the globe? Brian Host

We found a blogging champion. She wasn't the biggest expert on technology when she started but she had the biggest heart.1

We've been asking, what are things our students can do to make a real world difference to other students around the globe? Brian Host, Classroom teacher

students making an impact

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The post Moving Students Beyond Making Connections to Making an Impact appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

from Cool Cat Teacher Blog

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