Sunday, November 8, 2015

Top Blog Posts for Teachers This Week

News and Trends: November 8, 2018

As I hinted in yesterday’s summary of the week’s top tweets, teachers are talking about flipping kids. An offhand comment by my friend Kevin Honeycutt seems to be growing into a larger conversation. Teachers also need inspiration as shown by the 10 inspirational videos for teachers. This week’s top blog posts also have a 2013 post with lesson plans and ideas for teaching gratitude that I’ve updated.

Top blog posts for teachers this week

It is fascinating to me to see three episodes of Every Classroom Matters hit the top list. Alicia Roberts and I talked about what we do when a lesson plan fails, and Steve Miletto and I discussed classroom management. We specifically focused on how to de-escalate a situation to keep it from being another horrible Spring Valley incident (where the child was literally slung from her desk.) The Kid President show is still trending, largely because of a tweet from my friend Angela Maiers.

Top Blog Posts for Teachers This Week

#1 10 Ways to Flip a Kid and Turn Their Day Around

I believe you can flip a kid on any one day in one hour. Kevin Honeycutt

Do you realize the impact that you have on kids? Each other? Lots of us do and are talking about this topic of flipping a kid. This blog post grew from an incredible interview Kevin Honeycutt gave for Every Classroom Matters episode 171 where he talked about flipping kids. Wow. Great thought.


#2 10 Inspirational Videos for Teachers

10 Inspirational Videos for Teachers

10 Inspirational Videos for Teachers

The time change always gets me. So, on Monday morning when my mind woke me up at 4:15 am (which was just 5:15 am the week before), I realized that I was needed to go back to my inspiring YouTube playlist and get some motivation. I thought I’d share those clips and lots of you like them too.



#3 Note Taking Skills for 21st Century Students

notetaking skills for 21st century studentsPeople tell kids to “take notes” but don’t help them understand how. This collection of videos, lesson plan tips, and strategies will help you guide students into understanding how to take notes.



#4 My Lesson Plan is Not Working, Kids are Not Learning, I am Freaking Out!

My lesson plan is not working, kids are not learning - what do you do?On episode 186 of Every Classroom Matters, my friend Alicia Roberts and I talked honestly about our struggles to get back on track when a lesson plan becomes a disaster. We need to have hard conversations about excellence. But get this, excellence often arises from failure and how we deal with it. The messages on Facebook have been heartwarming. Lots of us struggle with this.

#5 15 Best Google Drive Add-Ons for Education

A perennial favorite. Chromebooks and Google apps are big. These add-ons are helpful. (If you teach writing, the 4 Writing Tips to Help the Writing Process post will give you specific recommendations for you.)

#6 How to add Google Drive to Microsoft Word

You can add Google Drive to Microsoft Word. I did it and documented how as I linked the accounts.

#7 5 Ways to Teach Gratitude in Your Classroom

5 Ways to teach gratitude in your classroomThis post was written in 2013, but I updated it when I saw how many teachers are using this as a resource for lesson plan ideas to teach gratitude. This post was sponsored by which is still going strong.



#8 Throwing Students Across the Room Doesn’t Work, This Does…

throwing students across the room doesn't work, this doesLike many of you, my heart was broken seeing a resource officer throw an obstinant child across a classroom trying to get her to leave. This is totally unnecessary and inexcusable. Steve Miletto has wisdom he shares on Every Classroom Matters episode 187. The day it released, this episode jumped up to the #4 slot on K12 iTunes episodes. There is a better way than yanking a kid out of a desk and Steve’s advice is golden.


#9 Kid President: Kids Inspiring Kids to Change the World

brad montague kid presidentThe back story behind viral video sensation Kid President is heart warming. Brad Montague, the director and Kid President’s brother in law has an honest conversation about how it all started, where they are heading, and the new emphasis on awesome girls.






#10 Top 10 Posts of October 2015

Top 10 Blog Posts in October 2015 Cool Cat Teacher BlogTeachers get overwhelmed and don’t have time. This summary post highlighted what teachers found helpful in October. Teaching a growth  mindset, tips for helping the writing process, Pcanvaadlet, and encouragement topped the list. I’m glad to see that the process of summarizing is helpful.




How Is this List Made? Simple. Blog traffic. How many people read each post. I think the number of times each post is read or reviewed is the best number to show what teachers are reading. 

The post Top Blog Posts for Teachers This Week appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

from Cool Cat Teacher Blog

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