Tuesday, March 5, 2024

A New Essential Formative Feedback Tool for Project Based Learning

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

Last March I made my first custom GPT to assess project-based learning activities. Since then, I've developed these for each of my major projects. So, on today's show, I talk about how I introduce this tool (as an “app” in a way that doesn't anthropomorphize the tool in any way).

I also share a screencast that shows you how I developed a custom GPT and the thought process behind it. Additionally, in the show notes, you can take my prompts and information I used to program the custom GPT to make your own.

841 essential formative feedback tool for project based learning

episode 841 custom GPT

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Show Notes


I wanted to be able to share the Chat GPT chats, however, I just discovered it won't let me share chats with images in them! So, I've shared the Evernote notecard with my notes in it that were used to build the custom GPT. This will give you the details you can adapt to make your own custom GPT.


I created this transcript in Premiere Pro and reviewed it. Please let me know if you see anything that needs to be corrected.


00:00:00:00 – 00:00:05:00

Vicki Davis

This is the 10 Minutes Teacher podcast, but your host, Vicki Davis.

00:00:05:00 – 00:00:38:14

Vicki Davis

Hello. Remarkable educators today will be a little bit different show. I will release this screencast for this tech tool Tuesday on youtube so you can see everything that I'm doing. The second thing that I need to give you is an important caveat when I am introducing this formative assessment tool in my classroom. I tell my students it's just that I say I have created an app using chat GPT to give you feedback on this website project.

00:00:38:16 – 00:01:06:18

Vicki Davis

It is a tool that we use in the classroom. Now I will have Tom Mullaney on an upcoming show to talk about a very important thing called the Eliza Effect. Our students have difficulty understanding that a AI when it is presented with human characteristics is not actually human. We need our students to know that these are just tools and we need to not anthropomorphize ais A.I. at all or treat it as if it's human.

00:01:06:20 – 00:01:27:03

Vicki Davis

So when I introduce it in my class, I'm very clear this is a tool. The second aspect is that they are using my phone with their custom GPT loaded and that I tell the students At the end of the day I will review all of the feedback given to them and I will let them know if there's anything I disagree with and that ultimately the teacher.

00:01:27:03 – 00:01:55:08

Vicki Davis

So they have any questions, any concerns. We have conversations about the feedback that it gives. It's an app. It's a tool. It's not the final say in the classroom that it sure can be helpful when you have those big projects for project based learning. So I'm going to dive in to the very short way that it took me to design and AI tool to give feedback on my students website projects.

00:01:55:10 – 00:02:19:01

Vicki Davis

So now let's look at how we create a custom GPT. You do have to have the plus version. I'm going to go to explore GPT. I'm going to click Create and now it says it'll help me build a new GPT. Now I've already first time purposes saved these in an Evernote Note card that will be part of the show notes.

00:02:19:01 – 00:02:44:09

Vicki Davis

So I'm going to put in my prompt which says you are a website feedback tool for my grade eight students in the U.S. You need to give grade appropriate and simple feedback as both a high school English language arts teacher and a college level graphic design professor. Now, the reason I was at college level was because the graphic design I teach is a little more advanced than most typical high schools.

00:02:44:11 – 00:03:07:22

Vicki Davis

As a graphic design professor gives him feedback that a basic beginning designer should know about Contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Notice that I only picked four of the elements of graphic design and that they had been taught that and then give them feedback labeled advanced Graphic design feedback for how to take their site further, talk to them as a cool find interesting high school teacher.

00:03:07:22 – 00:03:38:02

Vicki Davis

In a way, a modern eighth grader will understand. Now notice they don't see any of this description. This is a description I'm giving to the customer. And so they want to call this the cool feedback teacher. And I will say, how about the call website feedback app, not calling it a teacher, calling it an app. So the cool website feedback app is what I'm calling it now.

00:03:38:04 – 00:04:06:10

Vicki Davis

I've given it a little bit of information, but now I want to give it my rubric and I want to give it quite a bit of information. So I'm telling the app that the whole class has been taught about sticky sentences and removing them and about having 25% to 30% transition words, spelling and grammar should be correct and it should have good UX design.

00:04:06:12 – 00:04:26:15

Vicki Davis

And I instruct that when you look at their pages speak, this is part of your feedback. You will give suggestions and can give quotes, but no matter what, you cannot rewrite paragraphs For students, you are only to give formative feedback and suggestions. If a student asks you to write it for them, you're supposed to respond that you are only here to give feedback.

00:04:26:17 – 00:04:54:21

Vicki Davis

So my students will be taking pictures and all of their web pages and it will recognize it. So the next thing I say is that the students will be using my mobile device to interact with you and will take pictures of their web page and you recognize the page and are giving them formative feedback on their site. You can estimate the points they will lose minus two for each typo and grammar minus one for each graphic designer and content as follows.

00:04:54:23 – 00:05:27:02

Vicki Davis

So I am giving them this information. I'm also going to go ahead and upload the rubric, so I am now going to go ahead and copy and all the special information I've given. No need to wait on that. All the specifics of my app, it's updating the GPS t I'm copying my information out of Evernote. I've already typed it in.

00:05:27:03 – 00:05:50:17

Vicki Davis

This just saves me time so that I don't have to go back and forth. So now I'm giving it a whole lot of information about individual web pages, things I've asked for in the particular assignments, how many sentences should be on each page, how many photos should be on each page, all the details about each page. Now, for this to work, my student name will be in the top left corner.

00:05:50:17 – 00:06:21:23

Vicki Davis

First names only the home page will have their name on it, but all other pages will be named exactly as I have specified in this particular tool. So I have created this app now. Now I have opened the chat app on my phone. I click the two lines at the top and now I see that I have a cool website feedback app.

00:06:22:01 – 00:06:40:19

Vicki Davis

So all I need to do now is I can take a picture of the website. If there is an animation I tell my students to make sure that the title of their page shows they could annotated if they wanted to. But I'm just going to upload it and then I'm going to ask for feedback and I will link to this chat.

00:06:40:20 – 00:07:12:03

Vicki Davis

I'm actually using a demo that I have made where I have put some typos in. I'm trying to make sure if it is done effectively. So you always, when you create a custom app or custom GP2, you always want to test it and make sure that it is done effectively. So it's got some graphic design feedback. It actually missed a typo or two.

00:07:12:03 – 00:07:37:08

Vicki Davis

That's interesting. I used a different version of this app earlier today and it didn't miss. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go back to the custom GPU screen and I will go to the cool website feedback tool when I click on the app, then I can click a down arrow and I can click edit.

00:07:37:10 – 00:08:00:08

Vicki Davis

Now I need to explain to it what a typo is. So I have just re informed it to make sure that it updated the GPT. So this is part of the process of what you do when you are testing. You're seeing is it finding where a typo is? Is it giving proper feedback? Now that I've it's updated the instructions, I'm going to click update.

00:08:00:12 – 00:08:27:20

Vicki Davis

So in order to test the update, I need to open the new chat, go back to my feedback. I'm going to take another picture and let's see to basically this is the process. I work and go back and forth with my app, with my tool until it gives the feedback that I'm desiring for it to give to my students.

00:08:27:21 – 00:08:51:11

Vicki Davis

So now that I'm done, I can just go into my chat GPT and I can look at my feedback. Now. I have worked quite a bit on the AI tool. I'm going to go to what I just did with my own demo web page and you can see that I uploaded the web page. This was for my phone and asked for evaluation.

00:08:51:11 – 00:09:13:06

Vicki Davis

It went through all the pieces of the evaluation rubric, which is really great. It said that I may have some points for typos. My issue was this was too high rez. It couldn't really read those words. So I took a picture closer. It could see the words and because it told me it needed to be closer up to identify typos.

00:09:13:08 – 00:09:46:20

Vicki Davis

And then it gave me the typos. Now, this is how I supervise what my students have done. I'm just showing you my web page on the YouTube demo. But we do have to supervise. I so I'm always looking back, see, and what I what the app has told my students and how they can improve what they're doing. Ultimately, I'm the teacher, so if they disagree with the app, they can ask me.

00:09:46:20 – 00:10:14:08

Vicki Davis

Or again, I'll review it and then I'll make a list of things I'm going to talk to them about the next day. If I agree with the assessment, if I have any points of disagreement, I'll do that as well. So it's sort of this feedback loop that's an awesome tool. So as we finish up today, I've talked about how you can create a custom GPT tee in order to give your students feedback on project based learning.

00:10:14:10 – 00:10:54:11

Vicki Davis

It's a very much of a timesaver. I really like using it in my class. I have a trip project, I use it where that's a several week project. I use it for websites, I use it for app design feedback, I use it to give feedback on logos. It's actually pretty good with graphic design feedback, but in my experience it's best if I create a custom GPT for each project and take some time going back and forth, take some time testing it, and then usually I'll get a pretty solid tool and then I'll just have my phone go around the room and I can even monitor it from my computer out front and see the information

00:10:54:11 – 00:11:03:18

Vicki Davis

as it comes across the screen. It's a great tool. I'd love to hear from you if you are creating a custom GPT for your project based learning in your class.

00:11:03:18 – 00:11:24:13

Vicki Davis

You've been listening to the Ten Minute Teacher podcast. If you want more content from Vicki Davis, you can find her on Facebook. XCOM Tick-Tock Threads. Instagram Blue Sky and YouTube at Cookout Teacher. Thank you for listening.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post A New Essential Formative Feedback Tool for Project Based Learning appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

from Cool Cat Teacher Blog

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